As PC printer ports are getting harder and harder to find, an alternative for cheapish CNC control needs to be found in order for linuxcnc to keep working, and growing.
One of the most promising platforms lately is the Beaglebone Black, and still missing was a convenient parallel port replacement for it...
This page will provide further information as things move on.
Get one now
Please allow a couple more days for initial stocks to be built.
Pinout DB25
Pin Nr | Function |
1 | Spindle/PWM output |
2 | XDir |
3 | XStep |
4 | YDir |
5 | YStep |
6 | ZDir |
7 | ZStep |
8 | ADir |
9 | AStep |
10 | Estop_Ext |
11 | XHome |
12 | YHome |
13 | ZHome |
14 | Relay output |
15 | AHome |
16 | BDir |
17 | Bstep |
18-25 | Gnd |
Pinout Axes connectors
There are 6 connectors available for X,Y,Z,A,B,C each with the same pinout:
Pin Nr | Function |
1 | Gnd |
2 | Step |
3 | Dir |
4 | Min limit |
5 | Home |
6 | Max limit |
Analog inputs
An ADS1015 provides 4 additional analog inputs.
Pin Nr | Function |
1 | Gnd |
2 | VDD 3.3V |
3 | Analog 0 |
4 | Analog 1 |
5 | Analog 2 |
6 | Analog 3 |
2013.10.03 - Schematic v0.4
2013.10.05 - Layout v0.4
2013.10.09 - First 2 boards are ready for soldering
2013.10.17 - ran the first motors on axes X,Y,Z,A - everything ok so far